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Chairman - Cllr C Frost

Vice Chairman - Cllr M Fox 

Leisure, Parks and Cemetery Committee

Cllr B Atkinson
Cllr M Fox 
Cllr C Frost - Chairman

Cllr M Mulholland
Cllr F Quilliam 

Planning Committee
Cllr N Bruen  
Cllr M Fox 

Cllr C Frost 

Events Working Party 
Cllr A Bruen
Cllr M Mulholland
Cllr F Quilliam

Kirby Meadows Working Party 

Cllr B Atkinson
Cllr J.E John
Cllr W Wernick

Pavilion Renovation Working Party
Cllr M Fox
Cllr C Frost
Cllr F Quilliam

Representatives to Outside Bodies
Kirby Muxloe Library & Community Hub - Cllr M Fox
Kirby Muxloe Village Hall - Cllr N Bruen
Lubbesthorpe Progress Group - Cllr C Frost & Cllr M Fox
Kirby Muxloe Conservation Area - Cllr C Frost

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