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Local News 2021



16.12.21 - Leicester City Council - Planning, Development and Transportation

Please see attached information regarding a Consultation on Leicester's proposed Workplace Parking Levy.


15.12.21 - Blaby District Council

Please see attached further notification from Blaby District Council regarding the recent closure of Huncote Leisure Centre.


15.12.21 - Hinckley Rail Frieght Interchange - Section 47 Publication of the Statement of Community Consultation (SoCC)  

Please click here for the Statement of Community Consultation which was published on 8 December 2021. 


15.10.21 - Tennis Courts - Kirby Muxloe

We are sorry to inform you that the Tennis Courts are out of action for the time being due to the health and safety of the players.


15.11.21 - Blaby District Council

Please see attached notification from Blaby District Council regarding a proposal to make a Road Traffic Order relating to NO Waiting At Any Time (Double Yellow lines) parking restrictions on Ratby Lane and Desford Road, Kirby Muxloe.

A copy of the proposed Order, together with a plan illustrating the proposals is attached.


12.11.21 - Blaby District Council

Please see attached notification from Blaby District Council regarding the recent closure of Huncote Leisure Centre.



18.10.21 - Leicestershire County Council

Please see attached Temporary Traffic Regulation Order for the Ratby Lane & Desford Road Junction, Kirby Muxloe.


22.09.2021 - Blaby District Council - COMMBUS coming to town

Please see attached notice regarding a new service for the Community Bus/Dial-A-Ride services in Braunstone town


10.09.2021 - Leicestershire County Council - Trading Standards Newsletter

Please see attached newsletter regarding Scams and Doorstep crime.


26.07.2021 - What Councils Do?

Please see a simple guide to the Council Services 


26.07.2021 - Get on Board - Bus Consultation 

Please see attached notice regarding plans to improve buses.


12.07.21 - Blaby District Council - Sporting Activities for 11-18 years

Please see attached poster for this year’s summer activity scheme. All activities are free and are run by the IMPACT sports workers from Leicestershire County Council’s Children & Families Wellbeing Service. 


05.07.21 - Leicestershire Police - Action Fraud newsletter

Please see attached newsletter regarding insurance fraud.  Do you know what a Ghost Broker is?


10.06.21 - Wildflower Verge Project

Please see attached report from NatureSpot confirming the works required for the Wildflower verge.


10.06.21 - Leicestershire County Council

Please see attached Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders for various roads.


2nd June 2021 - Highways England - Notification of Essential Maintenance Works

Please see attached important information received from Highways England regarding essential maintenance works for A46 NB and SB M1 to Lincoln. Work is due to start Monday 12 July 2021 and is scheduled for completion by early November 2021.


28th May 2021 - Leicestershire County Council Trading Standards Newsletter

Please see attached newsletter from Leicestershire Trading Standards.


30th April 2021 - RCC Team Members Wanted

Please see attached information regarding a new job vacancy at Rural Community Council


23rd April 2021 - PRESS RE:EASE - Carbon Literacy Courses 

Please see attached information regarding Carbon Literacy Courses


23rd April 2021 - Leicestershire County Council Trading Standards - SCAM 

Please see attached information regarding a current scam regarding drive way work


9th April 2021 - Grants for First-Time Central Heating and Connections to Gas 

Please see attached information regarding central heating grants.


29th March 2021 - Tennis Courts are OPEN...


We can confirm that as from today 29 March 2021 the Tennis Courts are now open. Please see below updated information:


Are tennis courts open?


Yes, Boris Johnson confirmed that outdoor sports will be able resume from today, March 29.

Adults and children will be allowed to take part in organised outdoor sports - including tennis.

Ministers plan to introduce further relaxations on exercise at the end of next month - including outdoor tennis courts and golf courses, which enable people to remain socially distant.


Following the initial lockdown last spring, tennis courts were one of the first sports facilities to be reopened.

Tennis courts were closed during the third lockdown which started in January 2021.


What are the new rules?


The National Governing Body for tennis in Great Britain, the LTA, have outlined several rules for courts reopening.


  • They ask players to take hand sanitizer to the courts with them and for them to use their own equipment where possible.

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  • Equipment such as rackets can be shared, but where this happens ensure thorough cleaning before and after use.

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  • Players should not share items such as towels.

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  • Players should only take the minimum amount of equipment that you need to play.

  • ​

  • They ask players to arrive at the venue changed and ready to play, and shower at home.

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  • Participants should therefore ensure they adhere to the rule of six before the activity starts and after it ends, and during any breaks in play.

  • ​

  • Physical contact with other players, such as shaking hands or high five., should not be made with other players.


Please adhere to these rules, and stay safe. Thank you.


26th March 2021 - Arriva Timetable

For new Arriva bus timetable, please click this link:


26th February 2021 

Leicestershire County Council TTRO

Further to our recent posts, we have been advised of further amended dates due to the weather. 

Please see attached notice regarding a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order for Tay Road, Lubbesthorpe.

A road closure is required on Tay Road from Irvine Crescent to the roundabout with Meridian Way for 5 weekends, please see attached letter for more details and dates.


19th February 2021 

List of Organisations offering transport to appointments, including Covid Vaccinations, click here.


19th February 2021 

Leicestershire County Council - Litter Picking Heroes Offered Support

For more information regarding the 'Wombles' please read here.   

County Councilpicking heroes offered support, read more here.

19th February 2021 - Wellbeing for Volunteers / Safeguarding for Volunteers

We have just received the following information from the RCC (The Rural Community Council)


The RCC are delighted to extend an invitation amongst Leicestershire & Rutland’s volunteer community to attend FREE Zoom based training.


General Safeguarding Information - Tuesday 2nd March 5pm – 6pm 

Ways to Positive Wellbeing - Wednesday 3rd March 5pm – 6pm 


For further information, please see attached flyers.


12th February 2021 

Leicestershire County Council - Trading Standards News

Please see attached notice regarding various doorstep crimes and scams that are currently doing the rounds.    


5th February 2021 

Leicestershire County Council - Notice of Making an Order

Please see attached notice regarding the making of an order relating to the Public Footpath V84 (part) and V85 (part) at Optimus Point.  Full details are on the attached notice.  


5th February 2021 

Leicestershire County Council TTRO

Further to our recent posts, we have been advised of further amended dates due to the weather. 

Please see attached notice regarding a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order for Tay Road, Lubbesthorpe.

A road closure is required on Tay Road from Irvine Crescent to the roundabout with Meridian Way for 5 weekends, please see attached letter for more details and dates.


5th February 2021 

NHS News Release - Covid Vaccinations

Please see attached notice regarding Covid vaccinations which are available for a limited period for priority groups at three Hospital sites.


29th January 2021 

Leicestershire County Council TTRO

Further to our recent posts on 22nd January 2021 and 15th January, we have been advised of amended dates due to the weather. 

Please see attached notice regarding a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order for Tay Road, Lubbesthorpe.

A road closure is required on Tay Road from Irvine Crescent to the roundabout with Meridian Way for 5 weekends, please see attached letter for more details and dates.


27th January 2021 

Leicestershire County Council TTRO

Please see attached notice regarding a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order for Main Street, Kirby Muxloe.  A prohibition of waiting is required on Main Street in the parking bays outside the shops for 1 day on 28 January 2021.


22nd January 2021 

Leicestershire County Council TTRO

Further to our post on 4th January 2021 and 15th January, we have been advised of amended dates due to the weather. 

Please see attached notice regarding a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order for Tay Road, Lubbesthorpe.

A road closure is required on Tay Road from Irvine Crescent to the roundabout with Meridian Way for 5 weekends, please see attached letter for more details and dates.

6th January 2021 - Tennis Courts are now CLOSED
Due to Government guidelines we are sad to say that the Tennis Courts, Basketball Courts, and outside gym area are closed.  The play area is open but please adhere to the guidelines, Hands, Face, Space and use hand sanitiser before and after you have used the play area, thank you.


6th January 2021 

Leicestershire County Council Trading Standards Service - SCAM

Please see attached further information regarding a new current Covid-19 Scam text.  


4th January 2021 

Leicestershire County Council TTRO

Please see attached notice regarding a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order for Tay Road, Lubbesthorpe.

A road closure is required on Tay Road from Irvine Crescent to the roundabout with Meridian Way for 5 weekends, please see attached letter for more details and dates.


3rd January 2021 

Leicestershire County Council Trading Standards Service - SCAM

Please see attached leaflet regarding a current Covid-19 Scam text. 

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